Portabl Portabl

Task Management

Organise your tasks into individual projects and collaborate with teammates under one platform

Stay on top of your tasks

It's not just about clearing out your desk. Your projects need a system that will support their development, and you need a tool that will help you complete them. Out of the many tools out there, choose one that will give you complete control over your work.

Task view mode

Create individual projects to separate your workstream and add structure to your work

Organising your work

Filter out a large list of projects by their category, label, or project leader

Task collaborators

Collaborate with your team members and assign tasks to each other.

Start adding your tasks

Create a shared hub for collaborative work with these features.

See all features

Task Section

Standardise your team’s best practices with customised sections/boards for your projects and tasks. More about sections

Check lists

Make checklists for the tasks you need to complete on time. More about checklists


Add tags to your tasks and projects to make them easier to find. More about tags


Collaborate with your team members and add comments on task details. More about comments

My task

Put only one or dozens of colorful labels on each task to get a gist of what's what at a glance. More about my tasks


Assign your tasks to projects and track their progress. More about project

Due dates

Assign due dates to tasks and collaborate with team members. More about due dates

Helps record, across teams

Work doesn’t have to feel scattered. Get everyone on the same page with Portabl


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